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Glacial Marine Clay is a unique type of clay formed from the erosion and glacial runoff in coastal regions, particularly in British Columbia, Canada. Here are some key points about it:

Source: Found beneath active glaciers, enriched with minerals from the ocean and river deposits.

Properties: It has a negative electrical charge, which helps attract and remove positively charged bacteria, contaminants, and toxins from the skin.

Benefits: Known for its powerful natural healing properties, it helps with deep cleansing, detoxification, rejuvenation, and revitalization of the skin. It can also reduce the effects of burns, cuts, stings, insect bites, and other skin irritations.

Applications: Used in facial masks, body wraps, scrubs, soaps, shampoos, toothpastes, and even pet care products. It's also popular in holistic healing practices for detoxification and treating skin disorders.

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